Sunday, June 6, 2010

The Days Are Long... But The Years Are Short

I did it... I started a blog. I have been wanting to try blogging as a way to share stories and pictures of our family. Everyday brings new adventures as I learn to be a mom to my three precious kids and teach them to be the kids that God created them to be. This picture was taken a few weeks ago... I know that because Isaac is wearing a pair of PJs that no longer fit him (he's weighing in at 17 pounds at 3 and a half months) and Bailey is wearing her Dora dress... the one that she wore everyday for the entire months of March and April. This picture is just an example of time spent hanging out at home... on a day that probably felt very long. But it has been 15 weeks since Isaac entered this world and our lives, Bailey turned 3 almost two months ago, and Maddy will be FIVE next week... yes the years are short. My hope is to reflect more on the long days to build memories so that looking back the years won't seems so short.